Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jesse White Tumbling Team - Stephanie Hofer

I really liked reading the interview Jacqui was kind of enough to go and do. But I also enjoyed learning more about the program and how it works. I think its wonderful that the tumblers incorporate tutoring. Grades and academic success seem to be #1 then comes the fun with tumbling. I think its important for students to learn how to have that "balance" in their lives between school and extra circular activities or other things.

This programs sets a great example in that if you have good grades you are awarded more tumbling time. Also that your grades are checked. When students aren't doing so well they are willing to help. Homework comes first then comes the tumbling. I also read in the interview that many of the alumni are off doing wonderful things like going to medical school, law school, joining the Harlem Globe Trotters, and becoming engineer's. It really shows that these programs can be really successful. I think its important for all students to be involved in something outside of school. It helps them earn a sense of self and an identity outside of academics. Not to mention it helps keep kids out of trouble and that goes for all students in all neighborhoods.

I decided to go on YouTube to check out the tumblers and see their skills, it was really entertaining. All of these students/athletes are very talented and they clearly work hard for their abilities. It was really cool to see that they were preforming at parks, high school basketball games, and even the bulls half time show. I also saw that many of the tumblers travel across the world to preform, how exciting is that? They are really apart of something grand, more programs like these should be available to students of all ethnic background and social classes. It helps to teach young students how to have balance, work hard, and achieve goals.

Below is a picture I found while researching the tumblers:

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